I recently listened to an audio recording of Peter Hotez’s book Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism: My Journey as a Vaccine Scientist, Pediatrician, and Autism Dad. Hotez is the same author who wrote The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science, which I reviewed previously in this blog. I’m troubled by the current anti-vaccine sentiment, which is foolish and dangerous. Along with climate change denial, vaccine hesitancy is a worrisome example of an alarming anti-science movement in the United States.
Hotez’s book provides insight into the challenges faced by parents with autistic children (by the way, Peter Hotez is not the hero of this book; the hero is his wife Ann). Moreover, the book makes a compelling argument that vaccines do not cause autism. Hotez reviews much of the scientific literature relevant to the relationship of vaccines to autism. In particular, he mentions a meta-analysis of clinical studies published by a group from Australia. As much as I enjoyed and admired Hotez ‘s book, I probably would have led off by discussing that publication, rather than waiting until late in the book to bring it up.
Today I’ll discuss that article, titled “ Vaccines are Not Associated With Autism: An Evidence-Based Meta-Analysis of Case-Control and Cohort Studies” by Luke Taylor, Amy Swerdfeger, and Guy Eslick. This paper appeared in 2014 in the journal (Volume 32, Pages 3623–3629). The abstract appears below.
There has been enormous debate regarding the possibility of a link between childhood vaccinations and the subsequent development of autism. This has in recent times become a major public health issue with vaccine preventable diseases increasing in the community due to the fear of a ‘link’ between vaccinations and autism. We performed a meta-analysis to summarise available evidence from case-control and cohort studies on this topic (MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Google Scholar up to April, 2014). Eligible studies assessed the relationship between vaccine administration and the subsequent development of autism or autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Two reviewers extracted data on study characteristics, methods, and outcomes. Disagreement was resolved by consensus with another author. Five cohort studies involving 1,256,407 children, and five case-control studies involving 9,920 children were included in this analysis. The cohort data revealed no relationship between vaccination and autism (OR: 0.99; 95% CI: 0.92 to 1.06) or ASD (OR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.68 to 1.20), nor was there a relationship between autism and MMR (OR: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.70 to 1.01), or thimerosal (OR: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.77 to 1.31), or mercury (Hg) (OR: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.93 to 1.07). Similarly the case-control data found no evidence for increased risk of developing autism or ASD following MMR, Hg, or thimersal exposure when grouped by condition (OR: 0.90, 95% CI: 0.83 to 0.98; p = 0.02) or grouped by exposure type (OR: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.76 to 0.95; p = 0.01). Findings of this meta-analysis suggest that vaccinations are not associated with the development of autism or autism spectrum disorder. Furthermore, the components of the vaccines (thimersal or mercury) or multiple vaccines (MMR) are not associated with the development of autism or autism spectrum disorder.
Some of the terms and concepts mentioned in the abstract may be unfamiliar, so let me explain them.
- Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism is a disorder of the nervous system that begins during the development of a fetus. An autistic person may engage in repetitive, inflexible behaviors or have problems interacting with people. The disorder can vary in its severity and symptoms, so people with different degrees of severity are said to be on the autism spectrum.
- Vaccine. A vaccine is a biological agent that stimulates a person’s immune system to recognize and destroy a microorganism causing an infectious disease. Vaccines are often made from a weakened form of the microbe.
- The MMR Vaccine. The MMR vaccine protects children against three diseases: measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). An initial dose of the MMR vaccine is typically given around a child’s first birthday and a second dose before entering school. It’s usually given by injection.
- Thimersal-Containing Vaccine. Thimersal is a molecule containing mercury. The element mercury, whose chemical symbol is Hg, is a known toxin. However, not all molecules containing mercury are as toxic as is mercury metal itself. Mercury compounds like thimersal are used in low doses as a preservative in some vaccines. Before 1991, thimersal was included in the childhood vaccine DPT which protects against diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), and pertussis (whopping cough). Now no childhood vaccines contain thimersal, although it’s still used in some flu vaccines.
- Meta-Analysis. Meta-analysis is a statistical method of analyzing and summarizing several clinical trials. A meta-analysis can increase the number of patients being analyzed, resulting a more statistical power. It can also help in resolving studies with inconsistent results.
- Case-Control Study. A case-control study is a clinical study that compares two groups: one having a disease and one not (the control). It is often retrospective, meaning it uses existing data from people known to have a disease, and therefore can be conducted quickly.
- Cohort Study. A cohort study is a clinical trial that takes a group of people and follows them through time to determine what fraction develop some disease. It is prospective, collecting data on exposure to some suspected cause. A cohort study can take a long time to complete and, for a rare disease, requires studying a large population, but it’s less susceptible to bias than a case-control study.
- Odds Ratio. The odds ratio (OR) is a statistical measure to determine if some factor has an effect. For example, suppose in a case-control study you examined the medical records of 600 people who had the MMR vaccine; 570 were healthy but 30 had autism (the odds of being healthy are 570:30, or 19:1). As a control, you examined the medical records of 400 people who did not have the MMR vaccine; 380 were healthy but 20 had autism (the odds of being healthy are 380:20, or 19:1). In that case, the odds ratio would be
- When the odds ratio is one, you conclude the MMR vaccine had no effect (the odds of having autism are the same whether or not you had the vaccine). If, however, among the 600 people who had the MMR vaccine 510 were healthy and 90 had autism (with the control group being unchanged from that given above) then the odds ratio would be
- In this case, the MMR vaccine would have a clear effect. For smoking and lung cancer, the odds ratio is quite large, about 10.
- 95% Confidence Interval. How large must the odds ratio be in order to conclude there is some effect? That depends on how much uncertainty there is. For instance, if you flip a coin four times, the most likely result is two heads and two tails. However, there is still one chance out of sixteen, about 6%, that you’ll get four heads. If you want to be more certain that a coin is fair and not biased, you would need to flip the coin more than four times. In the same spirit, to completely characterize how much confidence you have in the result of a clinical trial, you must indicate how large the uncertainty is in the result. Most clinical studies will give the odds ratio and a range of values for which-based on a statistical analysis-there is a 95% chance that the odds ratio is within that interval. The convention is that if the 95% confidence interval does not contain the value of one, then there is a statistically significant effect. If it does contain one, any effect is not statistically significant. Using a value of 95%, rather than say 98%, is arbitrary, but you have to draw the line somewhere, and 95% confidence is the usual medical criteria for significance. For example, if in one of these autism studies the odds ratio was 1.05 and the 95% confidence interval was 0.8 to 1.3, you would conclude that there is not a statistically significant effect of the vaccine. If, on the other hand, the odds ratio were 1.05 and the 95% confidence interval was 1.02 to 1.08, you would conclude there is a small but statistically significant effect of the vaccine on autism. Note that in statistics the word “significance” does not mean “important.” It means “unlikely to be due to chance.” One virtue of a meta-analysis is that by combining several studies the number of people analyzed increases, which can shrink the 95% confidence range, which provides better statistical power to say if the odds ratio is significantly different than one.
- p-value. Whenever you have an arbitrary threshold, like saying a result is or is not statistically significant, you worry about cases that are near the threshold. To provide additional information, researchers sometimes give the p-value. It is the probability that a result at least this extreme could happen by chance. In medicine, usually p = 0.05 is the cutoff between a result being considered significant or not significant. But if the result has p = 0.03, you might say it is significant (less than 0.05) but you might think that it is still questionable and maybe you should repeat that study with a larger number of people. On the other hand, if p = 0.0002 you would say that the result almost certainly didn’t happen by chance and you would therefore have a lot of confidence in it. In this meta-analysis, the p-value is sometimes given, especially for borderline cases, to help the reader estimate the true significance of the result.
- MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Google Scholar. These databases contain information about scientific publications, including articles describing clinical trials. They can be searched using various keywords to find publications about a particular subject. MEDLINE is a database compiled by the National Library of Medicine, and covers all biomedical research. It can be searched online using a tool called PubMed, which includes MEDLINE plus a few other databases. EMBASE is an international database that focuses on the pharmaceutical industry. Google Scholar is a free web search engine that covers all scholarly publications.
Now that we understand the vocabulary, what does this meta-analysis show? It indicates that there is no evidence supporting a connection between vaccines and the development of autism. It also shows there is no risk that thimersal or mercury causes autism. In fact, some of the results suggest a weak protective effect caused by thimersal. For example, an odds ratio of 0.85 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.76 to 0.95 suggests that the odds ratio may be slightly less than one, which means the vaccine prevents people from getting autism. However, the p-value for this result was 0.01 which is small but not that small, and I wouldn’t put too much confidence in the claim that the vaccine is protective. But the results sure don’t suggest there is a health risk.
What I’ve analyzed today is one paper, albeit a meta-analysis. It’s over ten years old. There are lots of other data out there now, and Hotez describes some of it in Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism. He also emphasizes that autism is thought to arise from problems during the development of a fetus, long before the child receives any vaccines, so there’s no reason to suspect vaccines as a cause of autism. All this evidence, taken together, implies the probability of vaccines causing autism is extremely low.
Why do people still claim vaccines cause autism? There will certainly be cases where a child will receive a vaccine and then start showing symptoms of being on the autism spectrum. Some might point to such cases and say “see, I told you so!” The question is, how many of those children would have started showing symptoms of autism even if they didn’t get the vaccine? Homework problem 9 in Chapter 3 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology explores this type of question quantitatively. The reason you need a large, controlled statistical study is so you’re not fooled by a few such coincidences.
One thing clinical studies, such as the one that I discussed today, cannot give you is certainty. You can’t say with absolute certainty (p = 0) that vaccines don’t cause autism. Science doesn’t deal in certainties, just probabilities. All you can say is that the evidence suggests there is no connection between vaccines and autism. The best you can do is to collect enough evidence so that the probability of a relationship is very small. That is where we are today. The probability of vaccines causing autism is extremely low. That’s the best conclusion science can offer. And when the probability is vanishingly small, we often feel confident in summarizing the situation with a simple (if somewhat too simple) declarative sentence, such as Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism.
Originally published at http://hobbieroth.blogspot.com.